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unsettling reading-group

with read-in

After a dynamic first gathering last month – where the group identified shared interests and urgent topics to address in the coming months such as wildness, intersectionality and power structures (to name a few) – the next gathering will be moderated by guest collective Read-in who will share practices of reading between the (policy) lines. 

Read-in is a self-organized collective that experiments with the political, material, and physical implications of collective reading and the situatedness of any kind of reading activity. Some of the formats that Read-in experiments with include going door-to-door and requesting neighbours to host a group reading session spontaneously (Read-in Classic); memorizing workshops which focus on the links between reading and memorizing and experiments with memorizing collectively; and BookshelfResearch, for which Read-in examines specific private or public libraries according to categories such as gender, nationality, materiality, resulting in a statistical breakdown of inclusions and omissions.