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unsettling fabulations

with Studium Generale

“Etudes” is a set of basic exercises borrowed from the practices of embodiment that emphasize the interconnection between the body and its surrounding. Surrendering to the pneumatic, optical and sonic sens-ations of the space, we will focus on the experience and precognitive knowledge that emerges within the body. Rather than relating to the space in units of measurements and as an essentially quantitative, these basic exercises might allow us to experience the space as purely qualitative and shaped by bodily experience.

Nikola Knežević is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher formerly trained as an architect and working at intersection of architecture and embodied practices, closely and regularly collaborating with choreographers. Investigating the politics of space, he focuses on the body, the fundamental site of feeling, thinking, perceiving the world, and taking action. His research explores both how the environment (physical, social, political, and cultural) choreo-graphs and acts upon bodies from the outside, while simultaneously con-sidering how the immaterial spaces of memories, dreams and the uncon-scious (in)form the bodies from the inside. His practice includes indep-endent research and artistic work and applied practice in scenography for contemporary dance and performance.