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Resting Time Body - Bones in Space

with Tommislav Feller

Tomislav Feller (CRO) is a choreographer and performer based in Amsterdam. He graduated from the School for New Dance Development (SNDO) in 2010, and since then has been making collaborative and solo projects, giving workshops, and exploring body states through movement. He performed worldwide in many experimental theatre and dance performance projects. He is one of the member and co-founder of the artist run space for dance and performance “Jacuzzi” in Amsterdam. Besides performance and choreography, Tomislav is a hair stylist occasionally running his own pop up “Gototomi” salon.

We will start this 2hr relaxation session by laying on the floor as a supporting structure that caries our bodies into the state of resting. 
I will guide a verbal journey trough the body using poetic and anatomic imagery to potentially unlock subtle energetic portals from where we can initiate movement. The focus of this session is to radically slow down, to reconnect with our senses and our individual power that comes once we are grounded and calm. We will explore what is means to focus on the breath while listening to the space around and within our bodies. 

What kind of imaginary processes can open up if we move with our eyes closed? 
Let our body be our own utopic home we can always return to. 

Please prepare a yoga mat or any kind of mat to feel comfortable laying on the floor and wear comfortable clothes. Pajamas are welcome too. We will connect via Zoom and all you need is a little space around you and a possibility to use your voice.