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Introduction to Power, Privilege and anti-racist Practice

with Camille Barton

In our current times, injustice is more visible than ever and it is clear that changes need to made across all levels of society. The appalling treatment of indigenous people at Standing Rock, police killings in the USA and racial bias in the UK justice system, demonstrate that we need to take action to ensure that all people are valued and treated fairly.

In this three-hour workshop, participants will explore their relationship to privilege and learn about how racism functions in Dutch and European contexts. You will leave equipped with strategies to support people of colour experiencing racism and ways to work with white people to dismantle racism in your community. The workshop is experiential, comprised of a variety of embodied exercises, discussion circles and active listening to explore this material with a compassionate and sensitive approach. We acknowledge that racism and other forms of oppression are often internalised in the body and link to strong emotions such as anger, guilt and shame. We provide a safe space to explore these emotions if they arise.

Key questions we will explore: 
→ What privileged positions do we hold and how can we utilise our power to address injustice? 
→ How can we support people that face oppression we have not experienced? 
→ How does racism relate to decolonisation and positionality within the university context?

Camille Barton is an artist, researcher and the founding director of the Collective Liberation Project (CLP). CLP designs educational experiences to help people understand oppression, and how it relates to their lived experience, so they can stop behaving in ways that reproduce oppression, such as racism and sexism. This work is inspired by Camille’s ongoing research into somatics and social justice: exploring how trauma from oppression is rooted in the body and how it can be healed with movement and mindfulness. CLP has worked with clients including Quakers in Britain, Release, Sisters Uncut, The University of Sussex, SOAS, The Arts Marketing Association and Sunday Assembly London. Camille’s art practice involves dance, improvisation, ritual and Afrofuturism to weave new realities fusing art and social change. Most recently Camille directed and danced in ‘Space is the Place’, a 3 minute Afrofuturist sci-fi film produced by Channel 4 Random Acts. She is currently co – producing RE:GENERATE, a UK arts festival on the intersections of drug policy, racial justice and liberation. It takes place in London from the 2-4 November at Ugly Duck. For more information on The Collective Liberation Project and their work, visit their website.